Sistema ecografico
Specifiche tecniche:
Nemio 35 (SSA-550A) ultrasound machineis a innovative device used to perform a wide range of different exams. Medical devices for ultrasound diagnostics is applied nowadays in many branches of medicine. By using this machine, the professional can obtain data about the structure, shape and positioning of the internal organs.
Benefits of use of ultrasound machines
The key advantages of Nemio 35 (SSA-550A) ultrasound device are considered to be the following:
- high accuracy of data;
- simplicity of use;
- perfect image quality;
- high resolution of the display;
- good visualization depth;
- it is a system of low-end class;
- versatility and functionality.
Completo di 5 sonde.
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soluzioni unendo qualità, competenza e continuità.
Offriamo, oltre alla gamma dei prodotti standard,
una gamma di ottimo usato e ricondizionato.
Sede di Verona
T. +39 045 6971034
F. +39 045 6970395
Via XXVI Aprile, 28
37050 Oppeano (VR)
Sede di Padova
T. +39 049 0981222
F. +39 049 0981223
Via Salata, 14
35027 Oltre Brenta (PD)